Sunday 7 April 2024

Henry's Shit List


So, first question will be where the hell did this idea came from. Well, I was on one of my usual walks to get some air and some exercise, with music playing in my ears, as usual. A particular song came up on my playlist, that would be "Shitlist" by L7. So, I decided that I would begin one here, being that the ones that hit the top of mine are mostly of the political kind.

This will be a "work in progress" because I will likely come back and re-order, and add to it as time goes along depending on how I feel at the time. I have not put it on my Patreon site, because I want people to have access to it, nice and easily, not that I get many hits on this blog.

The question is always where to start and where to rank them, so I will go with the ones that affect my life the most...

  1.  Politicians:
    1. the kind of politicians who claim that there is too much money being spent on social programs, and yet have no problem with increasing their salaries, especially in the same financial year;
    2. the kind of politicians who claim there is no money to increase payments for pensions of all kinds, and yet can give big fat contributions to wealthy corporate sponsors of their political campaigns;
  2. Corporate Leaders (of all kinds): Congratulations you've won capitalism. How much is enough? Do you even know what your profits are doing to your workers? When your profits in a single year could solve the social issues in a country and you contribute less than 1% tax, and less than 1% back to the community. You're only No. 2 because the politicians maintain the system that allows you to do this.
  3. Extremists: of all forms, here I mean you who are at the extreme perspective of any system of thought. In this group I include all forms of extreme thoughts as you refuse to see the issues you create from not seeing a "middle way". This is seen in the aspect of terrorists, but also in such things as radical environmentalists and feminists. The focus should be on the best benefit for humanity. You refuse to see any other way than your own.
  4. Media Moguls: You're just as bad as your buddies above. You have taken it upon yourselves to decide what we should watch, what we should read, and what we should hear on a regular basis. Your purpose is  to encourage us to spend, to support your businesses and those of your corporate friends. Your other purpose is to facilitate the perpetuation of systems of abuse of those who are in a lower economic situation. Just to be clear that would be all of them, be they of a different colour, have disabilities, different religion, or different citizenship status. Isn't our society supposed to be becoming more Inclusive?
  5. Celebrities: I think I would have to put most of them on this list to tell you the truth, because most of them have done nothing to deserve the celebrity they have, or done things which should result in their status being revoked. Notoriety is not renown, we should follow those who have renown, not those who have notoriety.
    1. Sporting celebrities: supposed to be held up as examples for junior players of the sports yet they play the game with a focus on winning at all costs, not for the love of the game. The same can be said of the same kind of celebrities who also run amok in public, also setting a bad example for junior players.
    2. The Rich: who have done nothing except been born into the correct family, this is what has made them supposedly famous. Why should we follow the example of someone just because they have a lot of money, especially when they set such bad examples?
    3. Models: who represent such a small slice of the population, that set such high expectations for body-image. Yet, can they be blamed for this? Is it not also the industry they follow that pushes them to be like this? I would say it is more the case of what makes one shape of body better than another? How can one person feel superior because they are one body shape? Just to be clear on this one, it is as difficult to be Ken as it is to be Barbie.
    4. Actors: who are stuck in the capitalist system. They demand ridiculous rates of pay, to maintain their lifestyles to which they have become accustomed. Once they attain this pay-grade, they believe they deserve it, and special consideration for everything. Again, where they set a bad example, are they people we should be following? Follow the actor who is truthful to their craft, rather than the one who is paid the most.

So, this is the beginning of my list. I am sure there will be a lot more to come as I think about them. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, and I also believe this. These are very broad brushes, but I don't feel like going through and spotting every single individual.

An update (10/04/24): I added Extremists to the list today, because they are the cause of a lot of harm in society through their extreme views. They are unwilling to see anything but their point of view concerning certain matters even if there are contradictory aspects in their view. This dogmatic approach is not useful to anyone.



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